Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wine 2.0 Rocks the California Wines in New York CITY

If you're a winery or have anything to do with selling wine, you had better know about the web. And I mean more than just e-mail. Because right now, there are hoards of tech-savvy 20 & 30 somethings who LOVE wine almost as much as they love technology.

So if you're not optimizing, twittering & friend-ing people on LinkedIn, FaceBook or Wine 2.0, AND following TTL (aka Twitter Taste Live ...for wine & tech geeks alike), you may as well be...under a rock. But I suppose if you're reading this, you've been acquainted with the Social Media platform. It is here to stay in a BIG way.

Find out more NOW.

View my page on Twitter Taste Live


craigdrollett said...

Great meeting you in NYC! I've done hundreds of tastings in my time, and this was by far one of the coolest! We'll see you over at twittertastelive!

WineDiverGirl said...

You bet you will! I'm following :)
And let me know if I can send you some wine!