Have even more energy than that? Try Twitter Taste Live: an on line group that hosts wine tastings and allows you to offer real time feed back as you taste along with people all over the world. Pretty crazy, but really fun! Want to be a spectator? Have you seen our own Hahn TV? Get to know our winemakers and the Hahn Family brands in detail. Check out the Huntington falcons, the Surfin' Cycles Gladiator winemakers, and the stars of the winemaking world in the Santa Lucia Highlands on Hahn TV.
This is Web 2.0. A variety of ways to engage you and give you the opportunity to participate. It may sound impersonal at first, but I have made connections on line that led me to meet great people, in person! Now I wouldn't trade my on line wine community for anything! They are smart, funny people that teach me about wine from all over the world. And I can stay connected to them between events through their blogs, and the social networks mentioned above. It is another way to share the wine experience with like-minded people who are also passionate about wine.
Below is a clip from the first North American Wine Bloggers Conference I attended for Hahn Estates in October, 2008. It is one of the greatest examples of successful social media in action, and a movement in the wine industry that is changing how we interact with wine online. Poke around and check out a few of the sites. There's also a fantastic log of Wine Blogs and participants from the WBC here: Caveman Wines.
There are so many opportunities to look at wines online and cigars too. Like wines, there are sites dedicated to cigars. One does not need to venture too far. To get the best cigars , do search online.
Yes There are many places where you can find wine online
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