Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just for CoreyDTT

Eventually we'll have to start a T.A.A. ...Twitter Addicts Anonymous...
Until then...Twitter On!

1 comment:

CoreyDTT said...

I the infamous "CoreyDTT" (my twitter name if any wine geeks care to FOLLOW ME)am now officially a "Twitter Adict" (see badge above as proof). After just a month of twittering I've raked up just under 1000 updates, just under 100 followers, and countless contacts. If you're not jumping on the social networking band wagon, you are definitely missing the boat. Hailing from Napa and working in the wine industry www.inertiabev.com (sorry for the shameless plug)social networking is a must for success in the wine 2.0 world.
Twitter on